Monday, 26 October 2015 at 07:31 with
At this point of time, I'm kinda really glad that C is in army? You may think, "Which girlfriend would want their boyfriend to suffer?" or "ARE YOU MAD."

Yeah, but you got to see it from my point of view.

After he went army and I starting my ever dreadful working life, I became more independent and motivated. Good thing, isn't? :) I think so too! I couldn't whine whenever I wanted to him, or rant whenever I want... actually I could, but I didn't. Gotta learn to stand on my own two feet.

And it turned out well! I complained a lot less about my life and start learning to appreciate little bits of life a lot more. Like I appreciate when people give way to one another, the food my mum makes for me every breakfast and I definitely appreciate the blue skies that Singapore used to have hahahahaha. I can safely say, I think I've dethroned from my reign of Complain Queen. Hehe.

Motivated? Yes. Weird...but true! I actually thought I would be less motivated since I'm a very lazy person HAHAHA. I thought I would whine and cry about how bad my situation was when I know he's having it worse inside.. But hell no, I worked harder in fact. I felt as if I had to prove that I'm better and stronger. I always had a short-term motivation, which was his bookout every weekend... or almost every weekend. And an even shorter-term motivation, was his nightly calls. :) Without fail, I get to hear his voice every night, makes me really happy. No matter how short or how bad the connection would get, seeing his name flash on my phone.... I get really excited. Excited to the point, I nearly dropped my phone a few times. I really glad C calls hahahahahhahahaha. Well, as for long term goal, just happy that this entire army thing would end in 2 years' time and we can move on to our next phase of life together :)

Army isn't a bad thing after all. I've seen him grow and glow and I hope he keeps growing in character too. :) Sure, it isn't smooth sailing, but why focus on the negatives when positivity is all you need. HUEHUEHEUHEUHEUEHUE.

Just a thought I had to share. Haha.

Till then.

It's only over if you quit.

In Singapore


the past